
Everything About Japanese Culture for Businessmen

If a foreign company wants to enter the Japanese market, learning the language is not enough. Even if you speak…

5 years ago

How to Successfully Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign in Japan

Choosing crowdfunding as a way to raise funds has many benefits, you can achieve a lot without asking a lender…

5 years ago

Cybersecurity in Japan: Essential But Not Effective – Yet

Japan counts 117.6 million Internet users and more than a hundred thousand of cybercrime cases every year. Attacks are becoming…

5 years ago

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts Japanese Companies

As of March 23th, 2020, the coronavirus infected more than 337,553 people and killed 14,654 of them. In the archipelago,…

5 years ago

Reading the Air: the Best Skill When Working in Japan

If you are a foreigner working in Japan, you may have heard the phrase 'kuuki ga yomenai' 空気が読めない (a person…

5 years ago

Set Up A Branch in Japan: Pros And Cons

Before setting a branch in Japan, you should be aware of the business culture there. Japanese people are notoriously hardworking.…

5 years ago

Crowdfunding: How to Succeed & Why Many Have Failed

Launching a crowdfunding campaign seems attractive, but do not rush: it is essential to know how it works and how…

5 years ago

What You Should Know About the Japanese Business Etiquette

Learning how to behave in a business context is essential to stacking all the odds in your favor, but it…

5 years ago

Six Tips to Ready Your Crowdfunding Campaign for Expansion Into the Japanese Market

So your company just successfully funded its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Congratulations! Maybe you've already started manufacturing of…

6 years ago

Spotlight on the AI Market in Japan

One of the most promising tech trends of the near future is AI, or Artificial Intelligence. Definitions of what exactly…

6 years ago