Expanding business

Crowdfunding in Japan

What You Can Achieve Through Crowdfunding in Japan

Expanding a customer community, launching a product for a lower price, customers themselves supporting the project, etc. Crowdfunding has so many advantages that it would be hard to list them all, so today we will focus on why it is a good opportunity to seize, why it is gaining in popularity in the world and in Japan, and what kinds of product are successful in 2020. What Is the Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding, as indicated in its designation, is the idea that the “crowd” participates in raising “fund” for a project. Investopedia defined it as “the use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals (called backers) to finance…

Marketing in Japan

Are You Planning On Expanding Your Business Base? How About Japan?

Japan has been the world’s third-largest economy and 20 million Internet users and 50 million mobile phone users; Japan has a lot to offer for international businesses. Japan holds or represents 10% of the world’s economy and has an e-commerce sale that reached $120 billion in 2017. The future of e-commerce sale opportunities in Japan are increasing. Japan has a strong population of middle-class consumers that embrace new technologies and have a high disposable income; which is why Japan is suitable for international businesses offering premium goods or services or innovative solutions that are digitally focused. So, if you are planning to expand into Japan, we have listed below some…